EBSCO is one of the largest database providers in the world. EBSCOhost Web is a single interface that provides multiple databases of various topics.
The following databases are included:
Academic Search Complete - multidisciplinary
Business Source Premier - economic sciences
EconLit - economic sciences
ERIC - education
GreenFILE - environmental protection
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - library and information science
MathSciNet - mathematics
MEDLINE - medicine
Newswires - news
Regional Business News - business news
Neptun (EHA) ID and password required.
The steps are the following:
1. Go to the following page: https://www.ebsco.com/find-my-organization
2. Enter the name of our institution (University of Pecs) and click on the search button (magnifying glass).
3. In the list that appears, click on the name of our institution.
4. On the University of Pécs centralized identification page, enter your Neptun (EHA) code and its associated password. (You can change the language in the top right corner.)
5. Accept the data service.
6. Click on EBSCOhost Web.