Vitrine Exhibition – Hungarian Novels Day


                                                                                18th October  – Hungarian Novels Day

András Dugonics – the creator of the Hungarian technical language of Mathematics and a pioneer of Hungarian novel writing – was born in 18 October, 1740. On the 18th October, we celebrate his work and pay tribute to the importance of Hungarian literature and novel writing. His most successful work is entitled Etelka, and considered the very first novel written in Hungarian. Thanks to the Historical Collection Department, here you can find its second edition from 1791 along with such novels that are justly famous abroad as well:

The Paul Street Boys (Molnár Ferenc), Fatelessness (Kertész Imre), Colours and Years (Kaffka Margit), The Journeys of Sindbad and Other Stories (Krúdy Gyula), Die guten Hochländer, The Good People of Palocz (Mikszáth Kálmán), The Blonde Hurricane (Rejtő Jenő). 

The novel Etelka by András Dugonics, published in 1788, is one of the most important works of Hungarian preromanticism. Its significance is only increased by the fact that it was the first Hungarian bestseller ever; a thousand copies were sold out within the first year, and the Hungarian reading public was unanimously enthusiastic about it. It was the first Hungarian work of fiction to gain recognition, and its popularity was marked by the fact that many newborn babies were christened Etelka (Ethel) at that time. The book’s success is mainly owed to its romantic momentums. Etelka takes place in the time of Árpád, and in it, the national past and the cult of people takes the form of a pulp novel.


  • Source: I

    Idea: Pató Diána
  • Photo: Szemes-Révész Enikő Evelin

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