
Farkas-Kozics Iván


I am a second-year student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs. The university provides many opportunities for professional development, and with the right diligence, every student can achieve wonderful results. It is undeniable that we have to study and prepare for examinations a lot, but this is not the only thing that makes up our years at the Faculty.

Of course, there is also another very important part of university life. You can get to know your fellow students or students from other faculties with the help of the programmes organised by the student bodies. These events are always characterised by a light, friendly atmosphere which is often shared by our lecturers and teachers. We can also compete in various interfaculty tournaments, for example quiz nights, futsal or even pub sports. Making new acquaintances is relatively easy as Pécs is a real university town, so practically everywhere you go, you can be sure to meet university citizens who are usually open and direct. I am lucky as we developed into a very close-knit group of friends over the last year and a half, but that is not surprising, because here everyone can find the people they share the same interests with.

It is wonderful to experience day after day that the "PTE Family", which may seem like an empty campaign slogan to the outside world, really exists. Any request or question can be answered practically in a matter of moments, by the fellow students, by the more experienced seniors or by the lecturers, all offering selfless help to each other.

All in all, I am very happy to be a law student at the University of Pécs. I would not trade it for anything as I feel I have found my place.

Farkas-Kozics Iván



Faculty of Law