The 250th Anniversary of the Klimo Library


Our autumn exhibition is dedicated to the renowned library founder, Bishop György Klimo, and the 250th anniversary of the Pécs Episcopal Library. Through this event, visitors will gain insight into the library's history and the life of our predecessor institution.

In the spring of 1774, the country's first public library opened its doors, after nearly fifteen years of meticulous preparation. The bishop systematically arranged for the collection of books, ensuring that the library's shelves housed volumes on law, medicine, philosophy, and natural sciences. Most of these acquisitions were made in Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands by his friends, with whom he maintained regular correspondence. 

The collection, initially comprising around 15,000 volumes, continued to expand, albeit with some interruptions, after the founder's death. Bishop Klimo also supported the printer Engel János József, who moved to Pécs, as well as the operation of the paper mill in Tettye. To facilitate practical scientific investigations, he established an observatory equipped with surveying and astronomical instruments in the southwest tower of the episcopal palace. 

György Klimo believed that the spiritual care of a community could only be properly undertaken by a well-educated individual, leading him to extend the training period at the priestly seminaries. As a bishop of peasant origin, he fought to make education accessible to everyone. 

In the atrium of the Knowledge Center, we aim to showcase and reminisce about some of these 250 years through books and postcards for our visitors. 

In the display case, the special volumes of the Klimo Library will be available for viewing, including the following:

  • - PRINGLE, John: Beobachtungen über die Krankheiten einer Armee, so wohl im Felde, als in Garnison. Nebst einem Anhange, der einige Aufsätze von Versuchen enthält, die der Königlichen Gesellschaft bey verschiedenen Zusammenkünften vorgelesen worden. Aus dem Engl. des Johann -- übersetzt von Johann Ernst Greding. Altenburg 1754, Paul Emanuel Richter. 

  • - Journal des Scavans, Augmenté de Divers Articles Qui Ne Se Trouvent Point dans l'Edition de Paris, 1724. 

  • - [BIBLIA, Vetus Test.] görög. É Palaia Diathéké kata tous Eudomékonta. - Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum una cum libris apocryphis secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum et aliquoties recognitum, quod ... recensuit et potiores quosdam Codicem Alexandrini et aliorum lectiones variantes adjecit Christianus Reineccius. 2. ed. Lipsiae 1757, Bernhard Christian Breitkopf. 

  • - SPECKHAN, Eberhard: Synopticus discursus universi juris Romani caesarei et pontificii, secundum omnia cuiusque volumina, partes, libros ac titulos. (Helmestadii 1611,) impensis Henningii Grosii, ex officina Iacobi Lucii. 

  • - BERTUCH, F[riedrich] J[ustin]: Természethistóriai képeskönyv az ifjúság hasz-nára és gyönyörködtetésére. Új kiad. - Novus orbis pictus juventuti instituendae et oblectandae. - Bilderbuch zum Nutzen und Vergnügen der Jugend. - Port-feuille instructif et amusant pour la jeunesse. (Ill.: J[acob] X[aver] Schmuzer.) Béts, Peruscheg X. F., Pichler A. betűivel.

Exhibition Curators: Anna Eby Varghese, Zsuzsanna Gergely, Johanna Kádár 

Photo by Johanna Kádár

Location: Regional Library and Knowledge Center, Ground Floor, Atrium (next to the registration desk),

Pécs, Universitas Street 2/A

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