
Winter Opening Hours

Dear Readers! Here you can find our winter opening hours.                      &nb
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Check your library debts in Neptun!

Dear Students! Due to a shutdown affecting the university's IT system, it may occur that Neptun's system indicates a library debt tha
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Dear Readers! The opening hours of the libraries located in the Knowledge Centre will change from 24 October as part of the energy e
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The Common Library Usage Rules will be amended from 1 January

On 1 January 2023, the amended version of the Common Library Usage Rules of the Csorba Győző Library and the University of Pécs Library
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IT system maintenance

We inform our readers that between 30 December, Friday 08:00 and 31 December, Saturday 08.00 there will be a planned IT system maintenance
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Fall opening hours

Dear Readers!The University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre’s opening hours for the fall semester are as follows from 5 September.&
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Keep your loaning in your own hand, so you can take your exams without any problems!

If you have any fines or unreturned books in the university library, the library can put a block on your Neptun account that may
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Freshman Library Tour in the Knowledge Centre!

We await the application of freshman groups for library tours in the Knowledge Center during which we present the library spaces and our
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SciVal trial

Elsevier's SciVal science metrics database became available for a trial period until 3rd October. The resource helps t
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Planned opening hours in the Knowledge Centre

The opening hours of the University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre (Pécs, Universitas street 2/A) in 2023 will be as follows: F
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IT system maintenance

We inform our readers that between 5 June, Sunday 12.00 and 7 June, Tuesday 08.00 there will be a planned IT system maintenance at the Kno
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Summer closure

Dear Readers!The University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre’s opening hours for the summer are as follows. The Centre for Learning
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