Keep your loaning in your own hand so you can take your exams without any problems!


If you have any fines or unreturned books in the university library, the library can put a block on your Neptun account that may restrict your application for the exams and the registration and enrollment process at the beginning of the next semester. Upon logging in, a pop-up window warns you about this on Neptun as well. 

The block remains in effect until you have settled your debts towards the library. 

You can settle your debts in person (in the specialized libraryary in which the debt was incurred) or online

You can find detailed information about the process of online payment here.

You can find up-to-date information regarding the documents you have loaned in your Reader’s Data account. 

Also, the expiration date of your loaned books can be checked in Reader’s Data here.

If you need help in connection with the use of your account, watch this video.


Frequently Asked Questions

When can Neptun block you?

  • - If you have a library book loan that expired 20 days ago


  • - If you have a debt of more than HUF 2,000


  • - If the debt does not exceed HUF 2,000, but 60 days have passed since the debt was incurred

What rules should I pay attention to in connection with loaning?

The loaned documents must be returned during the loan period, starting from the date of your loaning.
Anyone who misses the deadline must pay a late fee.

The late fee is HUF 20/day/document. 

The readers’ responsibility is to adhere to the deadline. The consequences of failing to meet the deadline shall be independent of other circumstances and conditions – e.g. the fact that a warning message is sent by the library or not or whether you have read it. 

Does this regulation only apply to debts incurred in the libraries of the Knowledge Centre?

No, this regulation also applies to all specialized libraries of the University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre and to all libraries of the Knowledge Centre (Pécs, Universitas u. 2/a). 


What should I do if I notice too late (during the exam application process) that I have library debt?

The block remains active until you have settled your debt (by paying and/or returning books that can be no longer renewed). Data between the library system and Neptun is refreshed hourly every day. 

If the debt prevents your application for the exam, at the following link you can update the system after the online transfer is done here.

In the case your debt exceeds HUF 2,000, the library system does not allow the performance of other operations (eg. renewal). 


Who can I turn to if I have a problem?

If you feel you are stuck or need more information, call us during opening hours at 72/501 650 (inner phone number: 28049), or write to the following e-mail address:

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