Initially, the University of Pécs meant the university I attended to become a paramedic and then a certified public health specialist. It was a place where I enjoyed time with my peers and where we tried to overcome the arising obstacles together and equip ourselves with as much useful information as possible. Later on, the Faculty of Health Sciences became my workplace. It has been almost 10 years since then. During this period I have had to deal with a wide range of tasks - teaching, research, participation in projects, organisational tasks, etc. - which have often been challenging but - even if they did not always seem so at the time - have also provided opportunities for development.
In the meantime, it has also provided the venue for my PhD, a major milestone in my "career" so far. My main focus is on making first aid general knowledge, thus, I and my colleagues aim to emphasise why and how important it is for everyone to learn it. We know that "You can save a life!" In this spirit, we have already trained nearly 200 first aiders at work at the university, many of whom have already taken care of real-life situations successfully. And in the context of first aid starting in childhood, we have launched the "Kids Save Lives in Hungary" initiative, so that – in the long run – a generation can grow up who want to, can and dare to help others.
What I am most grateful for – and also related to the aforementioned – is that my workplace creates the opportunity for me to present my scientific work in both national and international settings, so, combining the good with the useful, I can build relationships and learn about the work of other professionals while I travel the world.
In terms of human relations, the University of Pécs offers a colourful palette of experiences: co-operating with colleagues, meeting new people, following and smoothing the path of students, interacting with all the actors that come along are all part of my daily routine.
Dr. Bánfai Bálint
senior lecturer
Department of Basics of Health Pedagogy and Emergency Care
Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health
Faculty of Health Sciences
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